Your Single Source End-to-End Software Solution


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G.I.T. support for Visual WISSIS users comes in several forms, each designed to meet the specific needs of the problem.  The support services are made available through the Annual Support Contract between G.I.T. and its customers.  

Member area for Visual WISSIS Users

Visual WISSIS users have their support headquarters located in the Member area of the G.I.T. web site.  In this area members may learn about latest updates, features and fixes in current and past updates, and access to the Knowledge Base.  It is from this area that upgrades may be downloaded by members to their county system.  A more detailed description of this member area is available at web services

On-Line Support

Our on-line support is provided through direct dial-up modem access or through the internet using PCAnywhere software.  With this kind of connectivity we are able to provide:

  • Personalized training
  • Convenient updating
  • Troubleshooting assistance


When your computer is connected with our office, our computer screen displays exactly what is on your computer screen. We can work together, as your keyboard and ours are both active. This allows us to print reports on your printer, our printer, or both printers simultaneously. Also, we can converse at any time using an on-line chat window.

Telephone Hot Line.

Unlimited telephone Hot Line Support is available from 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, and by appointment after hours.


Software Upgrades via Download from G.I.T. Web Site

The Visual WISSIS products are continually being updated with changing and new requirements dictated by either the counties or the state or both.  As with any software undergoing continual change, occasional glitches creep in.  G.I.T. makes available regular upgrades at no additional charge beyond the Annual Support Agreement.  These upgrades are posted in the Member area of our Web Site and are available for download at the users own convenience.

Help System Documentation

To enhance the training and to increase operator productivity, G.I.T. provides a on-line help feature within the Visual WISSIS products.  At follows the Microsoft Windows format and conventions permitting the operator to access through a traditional Table of Contents, Key-word Search, or Scrolling by Topic.  The Help system is also being updated as the software changes.  Portions of the Help system may be printed as needed, thus eliminating the need for bulky, expensive, printed manuals.

Standard or Custom Classes.


When new modules are released with wide spread acceptance, group classes are occasionally offered for a nominal fee per person, depending on the length of the class and number of people attending.  Custom classes can also be configured for on-site training at the County offices.  These are priced on a per class basis.

    Key Benefits

  • On-Line Support offers fast turnaround of problems.
  • Reliable answers right from the source.
  • In depth knowledge available to Social & Human Service Dept requirements.

Software that works the way you work...

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